Saturday 4 June 2011

The Musing of a Misanthrope

That title would be a great name for a blog, haha. But a little to negative I suppose. So yes. I decided to create a Blog. I am not new to this thing. I've had an online journal for almost ten years now, and pretty much only my boyfriend knows about it (and I guess all of you do now as well). Its mainly a "daily ranting" sort of journal. This thing I've decided will be my various musing and thoughts on random topics, that may or may not pertain to my daily life.
In addition to that, the main reason I started this blog is for my webcomic, which is something I've been meaning to do for years now and am finally going to force myself to begin doing. I have yet to title it, but the main idea will be people working in a coffee shop (how original), except I got 7 years of experience in this field and I do not plan on making it some lame, hipstery coffee shop representation. No, I plan to use many anecdotes from real occurances that have happened to me in my place of employment.

So there ya go. Thats my overall Blog plan. Hopefully at least one person will read my webcomic. I am mostly doing it for myself though... as with anything artistic I've ever done. I think many people wouldn't even consider me artsy, but thats because I don't go around proclaiming how creative and artsy I am. If I want to do art, I do it and I do it for me. I'm a pretty private person that way, I can't really explain it.

I suppose I should addres what my title is in reference to. Its been an ongoing thought in my life lately that I'd really like to settle far away from cities and from most of human civilization. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all people. Its not even hate, really. Its just annoyance. I know a LOT of really annoying, really idiotic, borderline crazy people. I grow weary of dealing with their daily stupidity. I've been dealing a lot with people talking about me. As Lindsay Lohan says "I'm tired of rumours starting, I'm sick of being followed." Hahaha...ha. Yeah I'm lame. Anyway, the point is, once I am done with my schoolin' I plan to peace out of Toronto, probably forever. I still have two years here. The only thing keeping me in this city other than two years of school is my friends. I have some of the best friends a gal could ask for. I know I am a very impatient and moody person, and I appreciate the people in my life who can stand me. Thats why once school is over I will most likely move overseas for a year, either Germany or Taiwan (still undecided) and hopefully work and save up some dough to pay off my crippling student debt that I am currently in blissful denial about. Once I come back to Canada I plan to settle most likely in rural Ontario. My dream is to live in a beautiful home amongst lush forestry that is nearby to some sort of body of water (I think this is why I picked my header, very foresty, also because it reminds me of horror movies, another favourite of mine).
I feel like it would take me to be almost fully away from people to be able to fully appreciate myself. I would devote a lot of time to exploring nature, creating art, reading, running and simple pleasures. I am a born and raised city girl, and year after year it wears me down a bit more and makes me loathe people in the same way.
I would love to invite my dear friends over to spend a weekend in the country with me (one of my friends may be a neighbour, I can only hope, as he also has country living dreams) and drink wine on my porch, looking up into the clear sky full of twinkling stars and just have relaxed conversations. I hope within 4 years to make my dream a reality... I don't think its too much to ask.

Well this entry was all over the place. Hopefully I will be able to finish my first comic at some point this week and get it uploaded here.

Bye for now.